Major Biomass Stove Tax Credit Changes in 2021
Legislation is about to pass Congress which creates a NEW tax credit for biomass heaters under Sec. 25(D) of the U.S. tax code. The Sec....

Significant Vent-Free Restrictions Approved
Significant Vent-Free Restrictions Approved by ASHRAE 62.2 Board In a surprising turn of events, the ASHRAE Board of Directors voted to ...

Biomass Stove Tax Credit Expires December 31, 2020
The $300 tax credit for purchasing a qualifying biomass stove is set to expire on December 31, 2020. In order to claim the credit on a...

HPBExpo Registration Re-Opens
Registration is now open for HPBExpo 2021, June 23-26 at the Kentucky Exposition Center in Louisville, Kentucky. Register here and join...

Save the Biomass Stove Tax Credit - Send Congress an Email
Save the Biomass Stove Tax Credit The 25C tax credit for biomass stoves is a $300 dollar-for-dollar credit which has traditionally been...

Portable Outdoor Propane Heater Safety
Portable propane heaters and outdoor patio heaters have been growing more and more popular as restaurants, hotels, and even homeowners...