Build Back Better Details Emerge, Future Uncertain with Divided Congress
During the last week of October, the White House revealed some details of Democrats’ $1.75 trillion social spending bill – known as the...

The Federal Government makes it official: it will cost more to heat this winter in most regions
Anyone who has purchased gasoline recently already suspects that energy may cost more this winter, but some families, in some parts of...

Be Ready for the Season: Study Up on the Tax Credit Details
As the selling season draws nearer, HPBA has been receiving an increasing number of inquiries about the tax credit from consumers – a ...

Important Webinar on the New Tax Credit
Webinar: Selling the New Biomass Heater Tax Credit March 11 | 12 – 1 pm CST Word is getting around; there’s a new wood and pellet heater...

Fuel Choice Legislation - Ban on Gas Bans
Throughout 2020, an increasing number of jurisdictions (both cities and states) began considering new “decarbonization” initiatives...

Significant Vent-Free Restrictions Approved
Significant Vent-Free Restrictions Approved by ASHRAE 62.2 Board In a surprising turn of events, the ASHRAE Board of Directors voted to ...

Biomass Stove Tax Credit Expires December 31, 2020
The $300 tax credit for purchasing a qualifying biomass stove is set to expire on December 31, 2020. In order to claim the credit on a...

Save the Biomass Stove Tax Credit - Send Congress an Email
Save the Biomass Stove Tax Credit The 25C tax credit for biomass stoves is a $300 dollar-for-dollar credit which has traditionally been...

Status of EPA’s Proposed Sell-Through for Step 1 Products
It has been two months since the comment period for EPA’s COVID-19 sell-through proposal closed. EPA has indicated they likely will not ...

State Enforcement of EPA’s NSPS Underway
As expected, states are beginning to enforce the EPA’s NSPS. HPBA has received notices from the California and New York Attorneys General...