Use the HPBA Research Library to Help Plan Your Business
In these confusing times, everyone is looking for information – whether there’s an idea of when the changes forced by COVID-19 will end, are there loans for my business, what does this mean for the economy, and many more questions. Due to COVID-19 and its impact, having a well-informed plan and making a data-driven decision is even more important. While HPBA may not be able to tell you when this will all be over, the Association has curated a reference library full of economic and business data to help you plan your next steps. This includes reports from other associations and groups like the Conference Board and the National Retail Federation, as well as economic indicator data like housing starts from the US Census and Consumer Sentiment from the University of Michigan. This information provides a glimpse into how the economy is behaving and designed to help you plan the best way forward for your business. To access it, please log into the HPBA website with your credentials.