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October is National Fireplace Month

This fireplace season, it’s likely consumers will be spending more time at home than ever before. With uncertainty swirling outside our homes, the hearth is truly the center of warmth, comfort and relaxation in our lives.

This year for #NationalFireplaceMonth, HPBA is conducting a national media relations and social media campaign called “Home is Where the Hearth Is” encouraging people to make the most of their fireplace this season.

“Home is Where the Hearth Is” will inform consumers on how to prep their fireplaces for the season; encourage they work with specialty retailers and NFI-certified specialists the fireplace during these uncertain times; provide a playlist of the best songs to enjoy fireside; and, even ask people to to share "awkward family photos” together by the fire.

We hope you can take part. We encourage you to share our press release and share these posts throughout October on your channels. Or, follow our social media pages on Facebook and Instagram pages and share. Remember, always use the hashtag #NationalFireplaceMonth.


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